SEM Marketing

We are Google Adwords Certified Advertising Agency Based in Yangon, Myanmar. Providing Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with affordable price

“Search Engine Marketing” was once was used as an umbrella term to encompass both SEO (search engine optimization) and paid search activities. Over time, the industry has adopted the SEM acronym to refer solely to paid search. SEM ads base on PPC (pay per click), PPA (pay per acquisition)

You only pay for results. No visit, no fee.

Search ads appear next to Myanmar Google or your targeted Country Google search results when people look for products and services you offer. And, you only pay when people click to visit your website or call your business.
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How people see your ad.

On PCs, tablets, and smartphones, if the words people type into Google match your keywords, your ad can appear above the Myanmar Google or your targeted Country Google search results. You only pay when people click — either to go to your website or to call your business. With millions of searches per day on Google Global and Google Myanmar, you can make sure your customers notice your brand, consider your offerings, and take action.
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Global Web Solutions

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